Shortcuts in Word 365
How to quickly insert Fraktur symbols in Word equations
Individual Fraktur letters are sometimes used in mathematics. This tip is about quick way
how to paste letters in Fraktur in your document Microsoft Word.
How to quickly insert Double strike or Blackboard bold symbols in Word equations
Double strike or Blackboard bold is a typeface style that is often used for certain
symbols in mathematical texts, in which certain lines of the symbol (usually vertical or
near-vertical lines) are doubled. The symbols usually denote number sets (see some of usual
symbols below).
Displaying Word Count Statistics
Sometimes you need to see a word count statistics without obtaining
readability information.
For example, you have a limit on how many words a document can be for a particular assignment.
Usually, journals, magazines, and newspapers restrict the size of the article.
How to see the current shortcut keys for the toolbar button
Sometimes people don't use shortcut keys because they don't know them. Word proposes a very easy way to know
the current shortcut keys for the toolbar button to use it in the future.
Shortcut keys for inserting Greek symbols into the equation
In Word for Microsoft 365 equation many symbols can be inserted using a \+name of the symbol:
Shortcut keys for inserting symbols and templates into the equation
In Word for Microsoft 365 equations many mathematical symbols can be inserted using the
\+name of the symbol (how to insert Greek symbols, see
Shortcut keys for inserting Greek symbols into the equation):
Adding commands to the Quick Access Toolbar
Suppose you'd like to add a couple more commands to the Quick Access toolbar. Also, say you're a big
fan of AutoText, which lets you assign long strings of text to a couple keystrokes. You can add the
AutoText button to the Quick Access Toolbar, so you can quickly create and use AutoText
to collect frequently used commands.
Collapse the Ribbon to get more space on screen
When you need as much space as possible on screen to view a document, you can collapse (or minimize) the
Ribbon and then restore it very simple.
Change the default font in documents
When you create a new blank document, any text you type appears in the default font, which is called
Calibri, at a font size of 11 points, which is a standard size for text in everyday
documents (such as letters or reports).
Revealing document fields
As you work on a document, you usually see the results of the field codes that you've inserted instead of
the actual codes themselves. Because of this, these field results may be difficult to distinguish from
standard text, so Word has added a feature called shading that helps you to locate such results.