Word 2016

How to show blue links instead of { HYPERLINK link } in a document Word

Today a lot of Word documents contain hyperlinks or URLs to some websites, Internet resources or e-mail addresses. When you type a link in your document, it can appear as a field. You can easily change the view of hyperlinks.

How to keep the text with hyphens together in Word document

When you create a document in Microsoft Word, you need to keep some text together such as two or several words together or text with hyphens. For example, you would like to keep on one line phone numbers (867-243-1849) or words with hyphens like co-founder, grand-grandmother, twenty-one, part-time, green-eyed, well-behaved, etc.

How to keep a table in one page of a Word document

A lot of documents Word contain tables. If you have a small table, you may want to keep it on one page even if Word tries to split it between pages.

How to print a hidden text in a Word document

Sometimes you need to print a hidden text of the document. For example, if you want to read or correct it on paper. If you see a strange text in the printed copy that you haven't seen while edited the document, it is quite probable that you have a hidden text.

How to see/show a hidden text in a Word document

When you work with someone's else document it is possible to have a hidden text in it. On the other hand, your own document can contain a hidden text for some reasons.

How to show/hide nonprintable symbols in a Word document

Microsoft Word has many types of nonprintable symbols such as different types of spaces, tabulations, line or page breaks, etc. The non-printable symbols are also known as Whitespace characters in typography, nonprinting characters in the previous versions of Microsoft products, or formatting marks.

How to keep two or several words together in a Word document

When you create a Word document, often you need to add some words that should be kept together even if Word wants to put them on different lines.

Tabulation or next level in the numbered list

By default, when you create a numbered or bulleted list in Word, you can press Tab and Shift+Tab to increase or decrease the numbering level:

Change the default font and style for shapes in Word

When you create a shape in your document, it is created with the default style and any text that you type has the default font.

How to skip page numbers for some pages in the Word document

Some Microsoft Word documents may contain pages with images, tables, etc. for which you need to hide or even skip page numbers. You can create different sections and add page numbering just for some of them (see How to create different headers and footers for pages with portrait and landscape orientation), but Word can't skip any page for numbering.