How to check responses to meeting request

Outlook 365
After creating a meeting request, invitees can confirm and refuse to attend this event, or suggest another time. The organizer of the meeting is essential to track confirmations and refusals of participants. In Outlook, it is easy to check the responses by the organizer, but participants do not receive notifications from other attendees.

To check the status of responses to your meeting request, follow these steps:

   1.   Click the Calendar icon in the Navigation bar to open calendar:

Open calendar in Outlook 2016

   2.   Select the item you want to check.

   3.   Open Tracking by doing one of the following:

  • Under Calendar Tools, on the Attendees tab, click the Tracking button:
    Calendar Tools in Outlook 2016
  • Double-click on the meeting item to open it and then on the Meeting tab, in the Show group, in the Tracking list, select View Tracking Status:
    Show group in Outlook 2016

In the opened tracking list you will see the list of people you invited with their responses to your invitation:

Tracking meeting request in Outlook 2016


  • Only the meeting organizer can find out who has agreed to attend a certain meeting.
  • Organizer can change responses by checking the names on the meeting request and choosing item:
    Change responses in Outlook 2016
  • Tracking button works only for Meeting request, not for Appointment.

See also this tip in French: Comment vérifier les réponses à une demande de réunion.

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